Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Blog Post #5 The Typewriter

When thinking about modern day technology, a typewriter isn’t the first thing that comes to mind. However, after listening to everyones EOTO presentations we know now that without the initial creation and influence of older inventions we wouldn’t have the resources and technology we use daily. The typewriter was one that stuck out to me in particular as one to talk about because it was a massive contributor to revolutionizing the world of technology.

While obsolete today, the various forms of typewriters were an essential stepping stone to the computers and tablets that we now use. As the modern typewriter evolved in the late 19th century, it helped to modernize office work by eliminating the need to write and copy materials by hand. Letters and other materials could be created faster and more accurately than before. Using a standard print on documents meant that they would be legible and easily read by anyone. Efficiencies increased even more after the invention of the electric typewriter allowing for work to be done even more quickly. The creation of the standard keyboard is still used today on computers and owes the typewriter for providing the means we continue to use to put our thoughts on paper or a screen.  

The typewriter has also had an immense influence on how we are able to communicate today. Not only by keeping the original keyboard layout but also by introducing the concept of digital typing and making it popularized. Although due to the rise of modern technology such as iPhones, computers, tablets, the typewriter has obviously declined significantly. However, that's not to say it hasn't left its mark in pop culture. It often appears in films, television, and literature. The invention of the typewriter will always hold cultural significance despite not being used widespread today.  

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