Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Blog Post #1 Top Five Sources of News and Information

 Social Media: TikTok 

The popularity of social media, such as TikTok, has escalated significantly over the past decade and has become a lot more popular as it has evolved. Although many people initially may discredit the use of TikTok and other social media as a news source it can be a  useful complement to other sources. While there are some challenges with potential misinformation or filtering from certain platforms, there are many benefits from social media. One strength of social media is the ability to get real time news and updates extremely fast because of first hand user generated content. People will often share first hand accounts, images and videos. It can also be beneficial to hear from a variety of people to allow diverse perspectives and interpretations on the issue being talked about. Another great benefit of TikTok is that there's an algorithm that eventually starts to appear. After the app can get an idea of what content you enjoy, your feed will show more of it. I find personalized content not only helpful but it also makes going onto the app more enjoyable.

Online Apps/Websites - Such as CNN

The main reason I use online apps such as for news and information is because of the ease and accessibility. Similar to using social media as a resource it allows you to see what current issues are happening fairly quickly and worldwide. The development and evolution of apps has broken down geographical barriers allowing news more available to more diverse communities and audiences. Personally, I find it most useful to open my phone anywhere, anytime, helps me keep up on current issues and what's going on in the world. CNN’s online reporting on breaking news usually seems to have a fairly balanced view in its reports, even though some might think it skews liberal at times. 

 Broadcast Media: ABC News

I typically don’t watch television news on a regular basis, but when home, I will frequently sit with my parents and watch the evening news on network TV - usually ABC World News Tonight. Although broadcast news has unfortunately become less popular the last few years, it still has aspects that I personally enjoy and I can understand why many people use it as their number one news and information source. I love the concept of scheduled programming. I think it's nice to be able to come home from work and catch up on the world and what’s happening. Unlike some of the other news sources I listed where you have the ability to receive immediate alerts in real time, broadcast media tends to have a consistent audience that tunes in every night/morning. They also have an extremely strong influence on the public's opinions because their reach is so massive. One last reason why I would recommend people to still use broadcast media as a source is because unlike digital media where you need internet, you can watch the news without wifi (which most likely expands their audience reach).  ABC News also seems to have a fairly balanced view of events and does not editorialize as much as some other broadcast channels such as FOX or MSNBC. 

Online news subscriptions: New York Times

While some people might find it a little ridiculous to pay for an online news subscription, my family has an account for the New York Times and there have been several occasions where I’ve used it. By subscribing and paying a small amount monthly you're able to access quality journalism with a more personalized add free news experience. Along with this, oftentimes you can get premium content as a subscriber with more perspective on a certain issue. I also think that the risk of getting click-baited or being misinformed with untrustworthy information is less likely to happen with online news subscriptions with the NY Times because they have a priority to deliver trustworthy content. 

 Word of mouth from other people:      

While hearing news and information from other people may not always be a good reliable source, I do partake in it on a regular basis. It allows people to share whatever personal connection, and or interpretation of the issue. While this is good for connecting with other people it has downsides like spreading inaccurate or distorted information, rumors, the loss of context, and lack of verification. It also can open up a conversation or even debate about the issue and the different takes that people may have on the same issue. 

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